These Life Notes will be here for You Always
Notas de Vida (Life Notes)
Notas de Vida are life lessons gathered in more than 30 years and the heritage I want to leave to my beloved kids. With joy and hope I wish these lessons could help other persons to have a better life and most of all, I hope these lessons could help parents that -like me- want to give their kids the best teachings through their actions, besides becoming the best version of themselves.
Introductory Talk Trailer
See the Complete Video in the SHARE TEACHINGS page
I firmly believe that we have come to this world to live life in the best possible way. I think this is the minimum any person should seek for him/herself; but if we are parents, we are even more responsible to live a happy life, because we have little angels watching us and learning from our actions day by day.
My History
I am an ordinary man that since I remember, I have tried to find the true meaning of life and the best way of living it. My only value has been to learn with humbleness all the teachings that God has provided me through problems and difficulties, and from all the marvelous people I have found in my path.
Now my great challenge is to leave available these valuable teachings for my kids and thanks to technology, to be able to share them with more people.

Never is too late to start. Every day is a new opportunity.

I wish from all my heart that these teachings could be helpful in your path.
Follow me in Social Media
FB, IG & TikTok: @notasdevidaparamishijos
Subscribe in YouTube: Notas de Vida (Videos with subtitles in English)